Our Staff
eClick Lending is proud to employ a team of highly qualified, dedicated loan experts who will guide you through the entire mortgage process, whether you are refinancing, applying for a purchase loan, or simply exploring your options. We pride ourselves on our commitment to customer service, and we're happy to introduce you to our team. You can view the contact information for every loan expert, to help you connect with someone local, knowledgeable, and trustworthy.
Are you ready to save money and start the refinance process? Get Started
Chicagoland Office
Phone: (630) 861-1114
Fax: (888) 819-8589
Chicagoland Office
Phone: (630) 296-5106
Fax: (888) 902-2205
Chicagoland Office
Phone: (630) 861-1113
Fax: (888) 704-9688
Chicagoland Office
Phone: (630) 861-1110
Fax: (888) 376-4064
Chicagoland Office
Phone: (630) 861-1120
Fax: (888) 708-8684
Chicagoland Office
Phone: (630) 861-1330
Fax: (888) 761-8196
Cell: (773) 573-7753
Chicagoland Office
Phone: (630) 861-1358
Fax: (888) 979-8673
Chicagoland Office
Phone: (630) 991-3340
Fax: (888) 289-8514
Cell: (630) 991-3340
Chicagoland Office
Phone: (630) 861-1112
Fax: (888) 702-8680
Cell: (815) 674-3161
Chicagoland Office
Phone: (630) 861-1116
Fax: (888) 893-5983
Chicagoland Office
Phone: (630) 861-1121
Fax: (888) 778-8717
Ty FiegelLoan Officer - Purchase Team Lead
Chicagoland Office
Phone: (630) 296-5110
Fax: (888) 811-1018
Chicagoland Office
Phone: (630) 296-5105
Fax: (888) 371-9167
Cell: (708) 269-7416
Chicagoland Office
Phone: (630) 296-5111
Fax: (630) 396-2768
Cell: (708) 925-3959
Irvine Office
Phone: (949) 390-6303
Fax: (888) 979-9202
Cell: (815) 263-2679
Chicagoland Office
Phone: (630) 861-1332
Fax: (888) 521-6780
Cell: (708) 842-3806
Chicagoland Office
Phone: (630) 296-5108
Fax: (888) 879-0165
Chicagoland Office
Phone: (630) 861-1115
Fax: (888) 891-1801
Chicagoland Office
Phone: (630) 296-5117
Fax: (888) 484-9637
Chicagoland Office
Phone: (630) 861-1117
Fax: (888) 966-0184